• What is The Girls NYC?

    The Girls NYC is a social club for girls in their early 20s looking to make genuine friendships. We host events and provide spaces for our members to meet and connect.

  • What do you look for in applications?

    We accept applications from everyone 21+! We look for applications that are well thought out! Our members are all looking for intentional friendships and we want to know that you are too!

  • When will I find out if I've been accepted?

    We review applications at the start of each month and will send out acceptances within the first week! If you don’t see anything in your inbox, double check your spam folder before reaching out to us!

  • If I haven't been accepted, do I need to re-apply?

    Unless you feel like you have more to add to your application, there’s no need to reapply! We will place you on our waitlist and will continue to consider you in our next rounds of acceptances!

    If you no longer want to be considered, let us know via email or DM!

  • What are the next steps once I've been accepted?

    In your acceptance email, you’ll find a link to join us on Geneva! This is where you can introduce yourself to other members, learn about upcoming members, and connect with people in our Interest Groups. You’ll also be invited to our semi-monthly New Members Mixer and meet more members face to face!

  • What kind of events do The Girls put on?

    We host everything from dinners and brunches to book clubs and knitting circles! We also have spaces in or group for members to organize their own events and find +1s for events all over the city!