Making friends in NYC is hard and we don't talk about it.

In a city where everyone seems to always be doing their own thing, it also seems like everyone is always doing their own thing with other people. Alone time is great but it can feel like you're missing out in some capacity -- especially when you're a girl in your early 20s.

The Girls NYC believes that there is nothing embarrassing about wanting meaningful friendship and connection. It requires immense bravery to not only say that you want to make new friends but also to take that step to make it a reality.

The Girls NYC offers multiple avenues for women to meet and make meaningful friendships.

We host small and large in-person events ranging from intimate picnics or movie nights to mixers to large parties. Our events offer a safe, friendly environment where all women attend alone with bravery, vulnerability, and a desire to meet new people.

Rules of the Mixer

  1. You must come alone. The group only works if everyone takes a leap of faith and bravery by putting themselves out there. +1s who are also members are allowed but discouraged.

  2. If anybody asks where you are going, you tell them that you are going to hang out with your new friends.

  3. This is not weird. We decided it isn’t weird, so relax.

  4. There are no stakes. If you do not like anybody you meet, you never have to see them ever again. There is nothing to lose. We want you to be able to walk up to anybody, stick out your hand, and say “Hi, I’m ___.” Why not?

  5. If you know somebody who is going, don’t make it a big deal. This is a very vulnerable act so treat it as such.

  6. Treat others with kindness and respect the spaces we inhabit.

  7. No, your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/ex/spouse/child cannot come. :)